
ADB Business Opportunities Fair in October in Philippines

Manila, Philippines
Manila Philippines

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) will organise the 12th Business Opportunities Fair on 9-10 October 2024 in Manila, Philippines. Education Finland and Finnpartnership invite companies and organisations to participate in the Fair. On the same week, there will be held a side event for Finnish companies and organisations in Manila where they get to meet and network with local companies.

ADB’s Business Opportunities Fair provides an opportunity for Finnish operators to hear about ADB-supported projects in the Asian market and to offer their own solutions to the projects. At the Fair, companies can arrange meetings with ADB staff responsible for procurement, project management and consultancy. The event will provide concrete information on how to bid and qualify for ADB projects and how the development bank manages procurement goods and works. The international event will bring together consultants, contractors, manufacturers, and organisations, thus providing an opportunity to network with other international players.

If you would like to join the visit to Philippines and the ADB Fair, please register HERE. Please note that you need to register to the ABD event separately HERE.

We will announce more details of the visit in the coming weeks.

For any questions, please contact

Ville Jokinen

Programme Officer

Business Partnership Support

+358 (0)40 538 0540

Paula Pihlava

Network and Communications Officer

Team Finland coordinator

+358 (0)40 848 2747

Nikke Karjalainen

Manager, Grant Financing

Business Partnership Support

+358 (0)400 283 089

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