
Online B2B Matchmaking event – Ukrainian water sector

Ukraine water sector

Finnpartnership, Finnish Water Forum and the Ukrainian League of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (ULIE) are organising an online event on 20 November at 10:00 – 12:00 where Finnish and Ukrainian companies and stakeholders from the water sector will convene.

The session will include presentations on key requirements, norms and legislation in the Ukrainian water sector, as well as the needs of both municipalities, and private companies in water intensive industries.

The main ambition of the event is to support Finnish companies in connecting with potential Ukrainian partners. The session is relevant for solution providers specialising in e.g.:  

  • Leakage detection and repair
  • Water storage
  • Wastewater treatment, also including heat recovery and wastewater reuse
  • Industrial wastewater treatment, also including heat recovery and wastewater reuse
  • Water quality monitoring (groundwater, lakes, and rivers)

Please register here by Friday 15 November.

Finnpartnership’s financial grant Business Partnership Support covers 85% of costs for projects where the long-term aim is to start business operations in Ukraine. The maximum amount of support is 400keur. In addition to project work such as partner identification and a wide range of different types of studies e.g. market research and feasibility studies, piloting of a solution can also be included in the project.

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