Supported project phases
The purpose of Business Partnership Support is to support the initial stages of business activities, i.e. the work done by a Finnish company to determine whether starting business in the target country is feasible and how to launch these operations. Business Partnership Support is also granted for developing existing business activities. Depending on the project type, financial grant can be granted for:
- identifying a business partner or partners
- conducting a feasibility study
- preparing a business plan
- assessing a project’s environmental and social impacts
- piloting and demonstrating technology and solutions
- training local personnel
- developing existing business operations in the target country
A Finnish operator can apply for financial grant for one or more project phase at a time. For more detailed information about project phases on piloting and developing existing business operations, see the conditions of Business Partnership Support.
Depending on the objective of the project, financial grant may be granted for all or only some project phases. If the project type is a long-term business partnership, support can be granted for project phases 1 to 7. If the aim of the project is to pilot a project with an international ODA eligible organisation, support can be granted for phases 1 to 5. If the objective is to prepare a feasibility study for an investment project, support can be granted for phases 2 and 4. In the project type innovation funding support can be granted for project phases 1 to 5. Support function projects do not have separate project phases.