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Piloting with an ODA eligible international organisation

Financial grant can be granted for pilot projects implemented as part of the operations of an international organisation. A successful pilot can lead to further deployment of technological innovations or solutions.

The aim of the project is to establish commercial cooperation with international ODA (Official Development Assistance) eligible organisations. ODA eligible organisations include the EU, UN agencies, international financial institutions and international NGOs.

Financial grant can be granted for a pilot or demonstration project related to technology or innovation implemented as part of an organisation’s operations. The project can pilot so-called ‘existing’ products or services. Business Partnership Support is conditional on a letter of intent (LOI) concerning piloting between the applicant and the organisation with whom the applicant is cooperating.

A Finnish operator can apply for financial grant for only one pilot at a time. In addition, the piloting of one solution with the same organisation can only be supported once in the same target country. Financial grant can be granted to the same operator for pilot projects no more than twice during Finnpartnership’s programme period of 2025–2027.

A full list of operators considered eligible international organisations are found on the OECD’s List of ODA-eligible international organisations. Eligible organisations are considered those whose Annex 2 list organisation type (Channel Parent Category) is 21000 (International NGO), 30000-32000 (PPPs and networks) or 40000-47000 (multilateral organisations).