SpanCrete Industries Ltd
General information
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Website of registeration
2015Number of employees
16Annual turnover
0-0.5 million €Annual balance sheet total
0-0.5 million €Already engaged in international business
Cooperation proposal
The company is specialised in production of prestressed concrete elements for use in building construction, and is searching for a Finnish precast concrete producer for technology transfer and sharing operational know-how to expand current production facilities.
The company operates in production of prestressed concrete elements for use in building construction. Their product offering is focused primarily on pre-stressed concrete technology, a sub-set of precast concrete. The key benefit of pre-stressed concrete is the smaller section sizes it affords, which make manually portable concrete products possible.
Markets and customers
SpanCrete Industries Ltd’s target customers are developers, design professionals (architects, engineers etc.) and construction companies.
The customers so far have been from Nigeria. The company has had some international activities when purchasing new equipment and materials from Germany and Portugal.

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