General information
Interested in this company

Other company information
Year of registeration
2015Number of employees
6Annual turnover
0-0.5 million €Annual balance sheet total
0-0.5 million €Already engaged in international business
YesPercentage of international business
Cooperation proposal
The company is looking for venture capital investors who can take a share of the business and support opening up international freight business exchange in Finland and other parts of Europe. The company is looking for EUR 150,000 for an 18% share equity.
The partner’s role will entail being part of the board of management and to appoint a representative to be part of the management team at Africar Logistics Ltd.
Africar Logistics Ltd is a homegrown regional company, providing services in customs brokerage, transportation, Warehouse storage solutions, green solar energy, farm equipment and poultry incubation value addition.
The aim of the company is to consistently provide efficient quality services, meeting all the consolidation and distribution needs of its clients.
Markets and customers
The company’s markets include East Africa and the Great Lakes regions. Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, South Sudan and Tanzania make their main market.
The company’s key customers are in warehousing and storage, electrical distribution, green energy importers, and general supplies.
Additional information
The company further offers its partners the following added value:
– Ready and established business with an office space in Nairobi
– Ready clients who are already established and growing
– Ready Staffing at Africar
– Established management and accounting systems
– Established network of international freight forwarders

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