Feasibility study for an investment project
Financial grant can be granted for conducting feasibility studies for an investment project eligible for Public Sector Investment Facility (PIF).
Financial grant can be granted for conducting feasibility studies for an investment project eligible for Public Sector Investment Facility (PIF).
The Public Sector Investment Facility (PIF) is one of Finland’s development policy instruments for funding investments in developing countries. The objective of the instrument is to support such public sector investments in developing countries that are in agreement with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and make use of Finnish expertise and technology.
Finnpartnership’s financial grant can be applied for a feasibility study for a PIF project. Projects supported by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs’ favourable statement are deemed eligible for PIF. For more information about the requirements set for PIF projects, see the instrument guidance notes.
Business Partnership Support may also be granted, on a discretionary basis, for preparing feasibility studies for other investment projects aiming to generate similar development impacts in the least developed countries (LDC) or lower middle income countries (LMIC). In order to receive financial grant, the investment project’s value must be at least EUR 1 million and the applicant must have concluded a letter of intent with the project financier or other verification of the applicant’s potential participation in the project.
Operators can apply for financial grant for only one feasibility study at a time and the last study must be completed before Business Partnership Support can be granted for another study. Furthermore, operators can apply for support for no more than two feasibility studies within a period of three years. Over the next three-year period, an operator can be granted financial grant for a feasibility study only if the operator is able to demonstrate that at least one of its previous projects has moved on to the implementation phase on schedule and is progressing towards producing development impacts.
Projects whose objective is to e.g. establish long-term business partnership or cooperation with an international ODA eligible organisation are eligible for Business Partnership Support. Learn about other project types and their project phases.
Finnpartnership organises monthly virtual application workshops, in which the participants learn more about submitting the application. The participants are given examples of different project types and phases to help them plan their own projects.
The amount offered by Finnpartnership is between EUR 15,000 and 400,000. Support is granted for projects in developing markets.