Upcoming EU-Mozambique Business Forum in November 2023

An EU-Mozambique Global Gateway Investment Forum will be organised on 22-23 November 2023 in Maputo, Mozambique. The focus of the forum is to enhance and mobilise European private sector investments and partnerships in the country, with a focus on digital transition, renewable energy, agriculture, blue economy, transport and tourism. The forum also provides a platform for Finnish companies to engage together with other European companies already established in Mozambique. Finnpartnership is currently exploring the possibilities to participate in the event, along with a delegation of Finnish companies interested to join.
Let us know if you would be interested to hear more about the EU-Mozambique Business Forum via THIS LINK. Please respond by 17 September.
More information about the forum will be published soon and official registrations will open in September.
Finnpartnership’s Business Partnership Support for Mozambique is 85% of the costs of the approved project budget for all sized companies.
Mozambique is a country with a young and growing population keen to develop their business environment. The country also has good access and trade connections with other southern African countries and serves as an export and import gateway for other landlocked neighboring countries. Last year, a Mozambican delegation, led by the country’s president, visited Finland, with the ambitions to increase bilateral trade relations. Read more about the visit and opportunities for companies.
For more information, please contact Julian Blom julian.blom@finnpartnership.fi and Nikke Karjalainen nikke.karjalainen@finnpartnership.fi.
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