
The development impact assessment form to Business Partnership Support applications will change on 1 Sep 2022


The Development Impact Assessment form to be completed as an annex to the Business Partnership Support application will change at the beginning of September. The new annex will be a Development impact questionnaire, which will be filled in as an Excel file.

The introduction of the new results framework will make it easier to monitor and report on the development impacts of projects. The concrete development objectives to be selected for projects will be linked to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which will help to facilitate the measurement and verification of development impact.

The Results Framework tracks three workplace-related development goals common to all projects. In addition, the project will have one or more applicant-specific development objectives related to the project’s products, services or business processes. The grant recipient must report on all concrete development objectives included in the table periodically during the project period and in the follow-up reporting after the grant has come due.

The new performance framework will be introduced for Business Partnership Support applications submitted in September 2022, and Business Partnership Support applications submitted after 1 September must use the new application annex. If you need further information, please contact Finnpartnership, contact details can be found here.

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