
Finnpartnership supports Finnish SMEs’ projects during the President’s state visits to South Africa and Namibia


Finnpartnership supports around 100 Finnish companies each year in their first steps towards business partnerships in developing markets. There are currently 16 Business Partnership Support projects in Namibia and South Africa, and there is an increasing interest in these countries. President of the Republic Sauli Niinistö’s state visits come at an opportune moment. During the visits, Finnpartnership can support ongoing projects that it has funded, together with business representatives joining the visit, and get first-hand information about EU funding and investment in the two countries. Through its new Global Gateway campaign, Finnpartnership is funding pilots and demonstrations of Finnish companies and this way aiming to enable an increasing number of Finnish companies to get involved in EU procurements and investments in developing markets. Services are available to businesses of all sizes, but most customers are small and medium-sized enterprises. 

The Business Partnership Support grant for commercial projects complements well Finland’s different development policy instruments. In developing countries, the need for support is often stratified by region and population group to different needs at different levels. The companies’ Business Partnership Support projects aim to create long-term, profitable businesses and create sustainable and decent work, livelihoods and equality. In many regions, such as South Africa and Namibia, this is what is driving development in the desirable direction. Almost without exception, Finnish companies’ projects also have other significant development impacts, such as developing access to clean energy, education, information, and reducing waste and pollution. Finnpartnership is also a reciprocal channel, providing Matchmaking service for local companies looking for Finnish business partners. 

Following the trip, Finnpartnership will publish more information about the opportunities in Namibia and South Africa under the Global Gateway campaign, as well as information related to Matchmaking about local companies looking for a partner in Finland!

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