Siirry sisältöön


Competitive advantages and enhanced development impacts by pooling resources together.


Finnpartnership is looking for co-organisers for limited funding workshops

Finnpartnership is organising new, fast-paced 1.5-hour funding workshops in collaboration with partners. The workshops will be organised with e.g. cities and regional development agencies, educational institutions and ELY Centres. However, there are no restrictions imposed on who the co-organiser can be, as it can also be a company interested in applying for Finnpartnership’s financial grant.

The key issue is that the partner is able to choose one sector or theme around which to build the workshop. Preferably, the event should also focus on one market, and the partner should have 4-12 companies that would like to participate in the funding workshop.

The funding workshop itself will be structured around the needs of the companies and will provide tailormade models for each participant on how they could make use of Business Partnership Support for their projects. At the same time, the sessions aim to identify synergies between several companies for the creation of potential consortia.

For more information:

Axel Sointu

Manager, Partnerships

B2B Matchmaking, Consortium projects

+358 (0)40 596 9877


The fundamental idea of multi-actor collaboration is that the operators involved focus on their core competencies, whilst relying on partners in other areas. Ideally, this enables all consortium members to access complementary technology, solutions, services or expertise, and opens new markets. Consortia often reduce the risks borne by individual operators significantly.

The formation of a consortium is particularly relevant in developing markets, where one or several essential value chains might have shortages or even be nonexistent, affecting the potential and competitiveness of an individual business activity. At the same time, different steps in individual value chains might also require more competitive solutions for reaching their true commercial potential.

Forming a consortium

The requirements and key factors that need to be considered when initiating and forming a consortium are naturally very case-specific. From the point of view of an individual organisation and potential consortium member, entering a multi-actor initiative is a strategic decision that needs to entail additional value.

Click on this link to review some topics that might be relevant for the originator to consider when forming a consortium. The issues can be relevant particularly in a setting with limited initial personal and inter-organisational relationships between the consortium members.

Strategic multi-actor collaboration comes in many shapes and forms. There is almost an endless range of alternatives for consortium compositions (e.g. number of members, organisation types, roles and responsibilities, and potential subcontractors supporting the efforts of the consortium).

Here you can view some examples of the potential composition of consortia. Some of the illustrations are inspired by previous projects funded by Finnpartnership.

The individual organisations forming a consortium can apply for either Finnpartnership’s Business Partnership Support or Business Finland’s funding. If the consortium decides to apply for Business Partnership Support, it is important to note that each member must apply for the financial grant separately by submitting individual applications and project budgets.