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Contact maps

The contact map service helps Finnish companies connect with potential new business partners and local authorities and boosts the development of their business operations.

Finnpartnership offers the contact map service to all companies that have been granted Business Partnership Support since 2022. A contact map contains the contact details of local operators, such as authorities, state organisations, Finnish networks and international organisations.

Finnpartnership creates the contact maps in cooperation with the consulting firm NIRAS. Each contact map is tailored to the needs of the company and project in question, taking into account the project’s target country and sector.

To create a contact map, Finnpartnership interviews first the financial grant recipient. In the interview, the company’s challenges and need for contacts are reviewed carefully.

Since 2023, Finnpartnership has also access to the “Startup Fitness Method”, a tool developed by VTT in collaboration with African start-ups with EU funding. The tool aims to identify challenges and solutions for companies entering new markets. There are positive experiences in using the tool in the African market, and it is now also available to Finnpartnership’s clients as part of the contact map service.

For more information:

Elsa Nyman

Programme Officer

Business Partnership Support

+358 (0)50 555 4289