TechBridge Invest Africa
General information
Interested in this company
Elizabeth Okunda
Regional Coordinator – Africa +254 (0)714 865 803Other company information
Year of registeration
2017Number of employees
9Annual turnover
0-0.5 million €Annual balance sheet total
0-0.5 million €Already engaged in international business
YesPercentage of international business
100%Cooperation proposal
TechBridge Invest Africa, a Kenyan-based Norwegian-owned tech hub specializing in start-up acceleration. They are interested in partners from Finland to co-invest in high impact growth start-ups across Africa.
The company’s main services include capacity building for innovative tech-oriented entrepreneurs, and investment in early-stage tech start-ups. TechBridge Invest increases the success rate of enterprises by providing end-to-end solutions from early-stage upskilling to investment and exits. The company seeks to create sustainable businesses and job opportunities in East Africa.
Markets and customers
The customers so far have been from Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania.
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