Nakama Tech Limited
General information
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Website of registeration
2022Number of employees
0ver 50Annual turnover
0-0.5 million €Annual balance sheet total
0-0.5 million €Already engaged in international business
YesPercentage of international business
Cooperation proposal
The company seeks to establish strategic Collaborative relationships where the Finnish partners leverage Nakama’s expertise in BPO services, specifically in contact center services and enterprise content management, to achieve their business objectives eg Client Engagement and Business Development, Strategic Planning and Market Expansion, Project Management and Client Relationship Management, Marketing/Branding and Quality Assurance.
The company specializes in offering comprehensive BPO solutions, particularly in the areas of contact center services and enterprise content management.
With a strong focus on quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction, they have established themselves as a trusted partner for businesses seeking to optimize their operations and enhance their customer experience.
Markets and customers
Current customers/markets include: Multinational Corporations seeking cost-effective and reliable outsourcing solutions .
The company wants to explore opportunities in other regions beyond Africa, looking into Europe, with Finland as one of the key target countries.
Additional information
The company offers partners a compelling value proposition characterized by expertise, cost-effectiveness, scalability, technology, quality assurance, customer experience excellence, and global reach. These Positioning the company as the preferred BPO services provider for strategic collaboration and mutual success.

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