Maipoo Innovations Private Limited
General information
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Website standards
GMP, ISO 2015Year of registeration
2021Number of employees
70Annual turnover
2-10 million €Annual balance sheet total
2-10 million €Already engaged in international business
YesPercentage of international business
10 - 49%Cooperation proposal
The company specializes in the manufacturing and export of handicrafts and incense. The company is currently looking for a long-term partner to do trade with on their various products, thereby expanding their business into Finland and the larger Europe.
The company’s main products include (1) Handmade decorative items; (2) Handmade textiles; (3) Incense. For the handicrafts, designs are generated frequently and the latest design catalogue is available upon request. The company’s home décor is elegant, minimalist, stylish and timeless.
Markets and customers
The customers so far have been from the USA, UK, UAE, Canada and Europe.
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