Laboratoire du Bâtiment et des Travaux Publics (LBTP)

General information


Cote d'Ivoire

Business partnership

Partnership with Finnish company


Construction and civil engineering

Interested in this company

Trang Nguyen

Programme Officer – Asia

+84 (0)358 768 165

Other company information

Certifications/quality standards

ISO 9001:2015

Year of registeration


Number of employees

over 250

Annual turnover

10 - 50 million €

Annual balance sheet total

0.5 - 2 million €

Already engaged in international business


Percentage of international business

50% or more

Cooperation proposal

The company operates in the civil engineering and energy sectors and is searching for Finnish investors and companies interested in collaborating on local projects related to infrastructure, construction, building, housing, electricity, and energy. 


Laboratoire du Bâtiment et des Travaux Publics (LBTP) was established in 1954 to meet the geotechnical problems during the construction of large projects in Côte d’Ivoire, the activities of LBTP are numerous and affect areas of the building, and public works (road, bridge, port, airport, railway), industry and energy savings. Certified ISO 9001:2015, 1st Price of Economic Performance 2019, 3rd Excellence Price of the Quality 2018, the quality services of LBTP, and the proven expertise of its technicians have earned the designation “The Laboratory of Reference in Africa” ​​by UNIDO since 2007.

The LBTP participated in studies and technical controls of almost all major buildings and public works (road, port, airport, railway, bridge) of Côte d’Ivoire more than 60 years ago.

The objectives of LBTP are:
– Provide designers with the data necessary for the design and control of structures and infrastructures.
– Contribute to the acquisition of the most advanced knowledge in science and technology related to civil engineering.
– Assist construction players in the realization of their projects by providing a benefit measurement and advice so that they can achieve the best performance of technical quality, safety, and cost.
– Contribute to certifying the quality of the structures.

The target customers of LBTP are private companies and public sector representatives (agencies of development and partnerships), ministries, Embassies, and companies. 


Markets and customers

The LBTP is active in several countries of the sub-region such as Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Ghana, Guinea Conakry, Mali, Senegal, and Togo. LBTP has collaborated in EU-financed projects with local companies and international companies from Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Netherlands, Switzerland, and the UK.


Oran Algeria Oran Algeria