Immediate Communications Ltd
General information
Interested in this company
Elizabeth Okunda
Regional Coordinator – Africa +254 (0)714 865 803Other company information
Year of registeration
1999Number of employees
10-49Annual turnover
0-0.5 million €Annual balance sheet total
0-0.5 million €Already engaged in international business
YesPercentage of international business
0 to 9 %Cooperation proposal
The company is specialised in exports of flowers to Europe and training of Kenyan small scale farmers. They are searching for Finnish trade intermediaries for flowers in the Finnish and Nordic market. The company would export the flowers directly to the intermediary who would then manage local distribution.
The company promotes the flower business through engaging small and medium sized farmer groups consisting of eight to twenty farmers. The company has engaged more than 200 farmers in the past two years with production in different seasons. The company has established a 10 hectare demonstration farm in Junja, Central Kenya, about 40km from Nairobi. The company has also bought about 20 hectares in Lamu for purposes of demonstrating summer flower growing potential and to serve as the main base for production.
The company is a member of the Fresh Produce Exporters Association of Kenya (FPEAK).
Markets and customers
The customers so far have been from the Netherlands. The company has exported summer flowers (Arabicum, Mobydick and Tuberose) to Flora Holland in collaboration with a local cooperative.
Additional information
Immediate communication Ltd was incorporated in 1999 as a limited company in Kenya and was initially heavily involved in providing market information to small scale farmers. It was supported by donor funds from FOODNET and provided market information on FM radio. In 2016, the company started training small scale farmers on how to export summer flowers to Europe.
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