Generale de Caisses Pour L Epargne Et Le Financement Auu Cameroun (GECEFIC SA)
General information
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Other company information
Year of registeration
1997Number of employees
50-249Annual turnover
0.5 - 2 million €Annual balance sheet total
0.5 - 2 million €Already engaged in international business
Cooperation proposal
The company specializes in microfinancing and is searching for Finnish joint venture partners for agricultural and technical projects.
The company operates in microfinancing. GECEFIC has a diversity of financial service providers that serve poor and low-income people in Cameroon. The portfolio of services comprises financial products made up of special formulas of Proximity micro credits and credit such as daily savings, ‘micro-credit solitaire or MCS’ (joint liability micro-credit), ‘crédit spécifique de launch or CSL’ (specific start-up credit), ‘prêt soutenu de croissance or PSC’ (sustained growth loan). Added to these are conventional banking products: savings accounts, detail accounts, current commercial accounts, term accounts, social deposit receipts short-term loans, currency, and traveler’s check sales.
The company’s goal is to finance local agricultural projects and to extend micro-activities by creating jobs for rural citizens who are marginalized by bank credits. GECEFIC is looking for a joint venture partner to achieve this.
Markets and customers
The company operates in seven of ten regions of Cameroon. GECEFIC has done international business with an Italian company in the past.

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