Dhanusha Marine Lanka Exports PVT Ltd
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https://dhanushamarine.com/Certifications/quality standards
ISO-9001:2015Year of registeration
2008Number of employees
59Annual turnover
0.5-2 million €Annual balance sheet total
0.5-2 million €Already engaged in international business
YesPercentage of international business
Over 50%Attachments
Cooperation proposal
The company is specialized in boat and yacht manufacturing, and is searching for Nordic trade intermediaries such as distributors and importers. The company is also looking for Nordic manufacturers looking to enter the Asian boating market.
The company’s main products include FRP pleasure boats, fishing boats, yachts and other products such as trailer covers and storage tanks. The company has four dedicated factories for production close to Colombo, Sri Lanka’s capital. Target customers include importers and distributors of FRP boats and companies willing to manufacture their own products in Sri Lanka at Dhanusha Marine.
The company is currently active in the Scandinavian market and all recreational crafts for Europe will be CE certified. The design team can carry out all necessary design calculations (ISO Standard), tests and trials required. Dhanusha Marine is also capable of working with IACS bodies (DNV-GL, Lloyds etc.) for type approved boats.
The company is also looking for investors to invest in a new factory for production of FRP products in Sri Lanka. Dhanusha Marine has identified a potential site and resources.
Markets and customers
The company’s current markets include e.g. Norway, South Korea, Australia, Seychelles, Maldives, India, Mauritius, and Tanzania. Dhanusha Marine has also supplied boats and other FRP products to several individual clients in other countries.

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