Clocknet Technology Centre
General information
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Other company information
Year of registeration
2005Number of employees
10-49Annual turnover
0-0.5 million €Annual balance sheet total
0-0.5 million €Already engaged in international business
Cooperation proposal
Clocknet Technology Centre, a Namibian company specialised in competency based vocational and technical education and business skills development and training is searching for Finnish vocational training institutions or technical universities and investing partners for collaboration and development of vocational educational programs. The company is also interested in potential investors and funding for Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) for Green Hydrogen.
Clocknet Technology Centre focuses on providing competency based vocational and technical education and business skills development and training. The economic aim of vocational training is to produce higher level technicians in various technical disciplines in Namibia. The higher level technician is a highly skilled worker with intermediate level education between an engineer and specialized worker. Investing in, diversifying and marketing vocational training would attract more students to the sector thereby contributing to lessening the shortage of skilled labour in industry.

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