Bunifu Technologies
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http://www.bunifu.co.keYear of registeration
2014Number of employees
1-9Annual turnover
0-0.5 million €Annual balance sheet total
0-0.5 million €Already engaged in international business
YesPercentage of international business
0 to 9 %Cooperation proposal
The Kenyan software development company is specialised in providing Microsoft.NET developer tools to enhance productivity for software developers. They also do custom software and information security.
The company is currently looking for a partner in the field of information security and software development. The role of partner will be technical while Bunifu Technologies’ role is to integrate the technology to their product and perform marketing.
Bunifu is also looking for product usage partners for Bunifu.NET UI Frameworks i.e. companies that do custom software development using Microsoft.NET framework.
Bunifu Technologies is a software development company specializing in custom software, information security and developer productivity. The company has 3 main products:
- Bunifu Antivirus which is a locally developed antivirus for PC users
- Bunifu ERP is a custom ERP the company has developed for high schools and colleges in Kenya, the software optimizes school administration functions through automation
- Bunifu.NET UI Framework is a set of tools developed for .NET platform developers that empowers them to build interfaces with less code
Markets and customers
For Bunifu Antivirus and Bunifu ERP the customers have been Kenyan, whereas Bunifu.NET UI Framework has had customers on a global scale.

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