Alliance outsourcing & Software development, Inc.
General information
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2000Number of employees
Over 250Annual turnover
2-10 million €Annual balance sheet total
0.5-2 million €Already engaged in international business
YesPercentage of international business
50 % or moreCooperation proposal
The company is specialised in IT Services and is searching for a Finnish IT System Integrator and partner that could operate as a front end of business processes while interacting with the local clients in Finland.
The company is interested in working with partners that are looking for managed IT services in the areas of Application Development, Cloud Managed Services and AI.
The company’s main services include IT Services; Managed Application Development, Cloud Services, as well as AI Development and Support.
According to the company they can offer:
1) High technical skill sets with core technologies in J2EE, C# .Net, C++ and PHP
2) Quality mindset with processes involving detailed documentation and test plans
3) English speaking engineers
4) Competitve Cost structure with ample supply of software engineers.
Markets and customers
The customers so far have been companies from Japan, Australia, US and Hong Kong where Alliance Software has provided software development services and support to their customers.
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Finnpartnership's financial grant, Business Partnership Support, covers a broader target market screening to find partners, as well as a more detailed background check on potential partners.