Sourcing Club
General information
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Website of employees
5 - 10Annual turnover
0 - 0.5 million €Annual balance sheet total
0 - 0.5 million €Already engaged in international business
YesPercentage of international business
Cooperation proposal
The company is a production manufacturer from India producing apparel and accessories for women, children, and men. They are looking for brands/wholesalers or importers of apparel and accessories in Finland.
Sourcing Club produces apparel and accessories for women, children, and men. The products are mainly shirts, tops, blouses, scarves, jackets, and dresses, among other things. The company also works with sustainable and organic fabrics such as recycled polyester and organic cotton. Sourcing Club provides services from design and production to logistics.
Markets and customers
The main target customers of Sourcing Club are apparel brands, wholesalers and importers. Current export markets are USA, Germany, France, and Denmark.
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