General information



Business partnership

Exports to Finland


Agriculture and food processing

Interested in this company

Axel Sointu

Manager, Partnerships

B2B Matchmaking, Consortium projects

+358 (0)40 596 9877

Other company information

Year of registeration


Number of employees


Annual turnover

0-0.5 million €

Annual balance sheet total

0-0.5 million €

Already engaged in international business


Percentage of international business


Cooperation proposal

The company specializes in the production of natural healthy products, and is looking for Finnish and other European partners interested in importing and distribution of their products.


The main products include Sacha inchi oil, Cocoa vinegar, Dried tropical fruits, Dried fruit with chocolate (Baby banana, Golden berry – physalis, Pineapple, Blackberries, Coffee beans), Chocolate covered cocoa beans, Tropical fruit vinegar, Tropical fruit juice (100% natural) without any artificial components, sugar free, and no water added.

The company is also looking to develop a natural energy drink based on a herb called Guayusa, in cooperation with a potential Finnish partner. The herb grows exclusively in the Amazon jungle of Ecuador and contains several times the caffeine compared to coffee. Ecuadorians have been using the herb for centuries, and according to the company, it is a perfect ingredient for a natural energy drink.

Markets and customers

The domestic market forms the main market for the company, including both retail and specialized stores.

Biolcom has previously exported its products to e.g. Japan, Turkey, Sweden, Australia, Germany, Uruguay and USA. They are strongly focusing to re-build exports, after having focused on the domestic market for a number of years. Main international customers would be distributors, duty free stores as well as special and luxury stores.

Oran Algeria Oran Algeria