
Connecting Finnish and Peruvian textile companies


On 13 April, Finnpartnership hosted a meeting between a Peruvian textile company Art Atlas and Finnish textile companies. The event provided a chance for the Finnish participants to see versatile textile products from Art Atlas and its brand Anntarah, made for example from alpaca and organic cotton.

Joining the meeting together with the Peruvian-Nordic Chamber of Commerce (La Cámara de Comercio Peruano Nórdica), Co-Founder and Executive Director of Art Atlas, Jessica Rodriguez explained about the rich traditions that the Peruvian textile sector has in producing clothes and other textiles from natural fibers. While sustainability is a key issue for the company throughout its production line, Rodriguez emphasised also the company’s role in providing jobs locally, especially for women. Besides its factories, Art Atlas has employed for 20 years a group of women who handknit various products, preserving at the same ancestral knitting techniques.  

The participants exchanged information about the textile sectors of the two countries and discussed future cooperation possibilities. Peru is an interesting market for Finnish companies and provides opportunities in the textile sector as well as in mining and education, to mention a few. Finnpartnership provides Business Partnership Support funding for Finnish companies interested in the Peruvian market, including for import projects. The amount of the support is 50% (for SMEs) or 30% (for large companies) of the total costs of the approved project budget.

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