Sasini PLC
General information
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Other company information
Website standards
Fairtrade, Green Forest Alliance, ISO, BRCGS, GLOBALG.A.PYear of registeration
1952Number of employees
2567Annual turnover
over 43 million €Annual balance sheet total
over 43 million €Already engaged in international business
YesPercentage of international business
50% or moreAttachments
Cooperation proposal
The company is currently looking for a long-term partner to buy its products for repackaging and re-sale to retail markets in Finland and its environs, thereby expanding their export market into Finland and the larger European market.
The company’s main products include black CTC Teas, Green Coffee, Hass & Fuerte Avocado, Macadamia, Kernels, Branded Teas and Coffee. The company’s production activities are certified under various internationally recognized certification standards such as the Rain Forest Alliance and ISO certifications.
Markets and customers
The customers so far have been in Europe, Asia, USA, Kenya. The target customers include packers, distributors and agents in Finland and its environs.
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