Rastgar & Co (Pvt) Ltd
General information
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https://www.rastgar-co.comYear of registeration
1980Number of employees
45Annual turnover
0.5-2 million €Annual balance sheet total
0.5-2 million €Already engaged in international business
YesPercentage of international business
Over 50%Cooperation proposal
The company is specialised in machinery distribution and service, and is searching for partners interested in entering South Asian markets.
Rastgar specialises in industrial air compressors and material handling equipment. The company works with several international brands and manufacturers, holding the role of distributor and seller on the Pakistani market. The company also offers service and training for local end-customers.
Markets and customers
The manufacturing industry is the main customer segment.
Additional information
The company already holds the role of distributor for a Finnish company.
Machinery imports to Pakistan are significant. Rastgar is currently looking for manufacturers interested in entering the Pakistani market, also potentially including machinery that is not yet in Rastgar’s portfolio. In the latter set-up, it might be viable for Rastgar and the European partner to assess the potential for a JV focusing on sales and services in Pakistan, potentially forming a base for the wider regional market comprising Central and South Asia, as well as the Middle East.
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