Innovation funding
Financial grant for co-innovation and co-creation with local partners in developing markets.
Financial grant for co-innovation and co-creation with local partners in developing markets.
The purpose of innovation funding is to enable companies to co-develop and co-create sustainable solutions together with local partners in developing markets. Solution development can relate to products, services, processes or business models.
Innovation funding can be used for further co-developing innovative solutions. As such, innovation funding is complementary and must be linked to an R&D project funded by Business Finland (BF). The BF R&D project can be recently approved, ongoing, or have ended within five years. The is no requirement that the R&D project itself has a focus on developing markets. R&D projects include:
Local innovation partners are a corner stone in innovation funding projects, and at least half of the total project budget must be allocated to cover project costs by one or multiple local innovation partners. Local innovation partners include for example companies, research organisations, (I)NGOs and UN organisations. Innovation funding is always counted as de minimis funding.
Read more about the innovation funding on the terms and conditions of Business Partnership Support.
Projects whose objective is to e.g. establish long-term business partnership or cooperation with an international ODA eligible organisation are eligible for Business Partnership Support. Learn about other project types and their project phases.
Finnpartnership organises monthly virtual application workshops, in which the participants learn more about submitting the application. The participants are given examples of different project types and phases to help them plan their own projects.
The amount offered by Finnpartnership is between EUR 15,000 and 400,000. Support is granted for projects in developing markets.