
Provide feedback to the European Commission on business operations in developing markets


To better help EU investors and traders, the European Commission is mapping the EU companies’ presence, problems and requests for support in key countries. The Commission has issued a number of business consultations focusing on Ghana, Jamaica, Laos, Malawi, Nepal, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, East Timor, and Zimbabwe.

The respondents will help the Commission to frame the upcoming EU Business Forums, public-private dialogues and programmes to support the private sector engagement, investment climate and trade dialogues.

This will also help Finnpartnership in the selection of potential upcoming EU Business Forums to participate in 2024. This year we already participated in the EU business forums focusing on Kenya, Tanzania, and Namibia, and will also attend Mozambique.

Hence, if you (as a Finnish company) have had business operations in one or more of the following countries below, we would appreciate if you could take a short moment to reply to the respective survey.


To prepare the 2024 Ghana-EU Business Forum that will take place in Accra, the EU is updating the overview of the EU trade and investment in Ghana. Firms’ replies to the survey will identify the sectors to focus on and the barriers to discuss with the Ghanaian authorities. Please respond to the survey before 30 December. Further information: Malgorzata Pitura at the EU Delegation to Ghana or Ines Escudero, DG INTPA.


To prepare the concrete implementation of the Global Gateway Investment Agenda and identify the actions to support first, the EU is identifying the EU firms present and interested in investing or trading with Jamaica. Firms’ replies will identify the sectors and barriers to prioritize for the EU, DFIs and PIPs support.  Please fill in the survey before 30 December. Futher information:  Koenraad Burie at the EU Delegation to Jamaica or Ines Escudero, DG INTPA.


To prepare the 2024 EU-Laos Business Forum that will take place in Vientiane, the EU is identifying the current and potential EU investors in Lao.  Firms’ replies to the survey will identify the sectors to focus on and the barriers to discuss with the local authorities. Pleasefill in the survey before 30 November.Further information: Souphaphone THAVONSOUK at the EU Delegation to Laos or Ines Escudero, DG INTPA.


To adjust the discussion of the 2024 EU-Malawi Business Forum to the firms’ needs and prepare its follow-up, the EU is asking to the companies what they do and the problems they face in Malawi. Please respond to theEU survey before 30 December. Further information: Matilda Sibweza Palamuleni, EU Delegation to Malawi;  or Ines Escudero, DG INTPA.


To prepare the 2024 EU-Nepal Business Forum that will take place in Kathmandu, the EU is identifying the current and potential EU investors in Nepal. Firms’ replies to the survey will identify the sectors to focus on and the barriers to discuss with the local authorities. You can take part in the survey by 30 December. Further information: Mim Hamal at the EU Delegation to Nepal or Ines Escudero, DG INTPA.


The EU Delegation and the EU embassies in Pakistan are launching a consultation to EU-linked firms to prepare their support actions, including a potential opening of an EU Chamber in Islamabad / Karachi. Please fill in the EU survey by 30 December to shape the discussions.Further information: Husnain Iftakhar, EU Delegation to Pakistan or Ines Escudero, DG INTPA.

Papua New Guinea

The EU-PNG Business Forum will take place in November in Port Moresby. To adjust the discussions to the EU business’ needs and prepare the follow-up actions, the Commission is asking the firms what they do and the problems they face in Papua New Guinea. Please fill in the EU survey before 20 November. Further information: Sila Orake, EU Delegation to Papua New Guinea or Ines Escudero, DG INTPA.

Timor Leste

The EU-Pacific high-level meeting on trade will take place end of 2023/beginning of 2024. To adjust the discussions to the EU business’ needs and prepare the follow-up actions, the Commission is asking the EU companies about what they do and the problems they face in East Timor. Please fill in the survey before 30 December.Further information: Susana Martins, EU Delegation to Timor Leste or Ines Escudero, DG INTPA.


To adjust the discussion of the 2024 EU-Zimbabwe Business Forum to the firms’ needs and prepare its follow-up, the EU is asking to the companies what they do and the problems they face in Zimbabwe. Take part in the survey before 30 December. Further information: Tsitsi Whata, EU Delegation to Zimbabwe;  or Ines Escudero, DG INTPA.

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