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http://WWW.WIRO.INYear of registeration
1988Number of employees
10-49Annual turnover
0 - 0.5 million €Annual balance sheet total
0 - 0.5 million €Already engaged in international business
YesCooperation proposal
The company’s business include Papers, Boards, Fancy Boxes, Book Binding Wires and Post press Machinery.
The company is currently looking for
(1) representatives for:
Newsprint Paper – Annual contract for newspapers
Boards – Quality comparable to kappa board
Art Papers in various varieties
(2) dealers offering good quality secondhand post-press machinery
Book Binding Consumables
(3) manufacturers of Fancy Papers like Fedrigoni / Cordinons
(4) Export /contract manufacturing
– Stationary: Personalised, Diaries, Calendars
– Specialized Handmade Gift Items: albums, and diaries that can be completely customised according to the requirements
– Boxes/ Packaging for high-end products
They manufacture for the export market various paper-related products as listed below:
Handmade papers in Sheets and Cut to size
Handmade paper products like :
– Personal stationery including Greeting cards, Invitations sets & Visiting cards
– Planners, Diaries & Calendars
– Paper Lanterns / Lamp Shades
– A variety of Wine Bags & Shopping Bags
– Fancy Gift Boxes in various shapes & also Jewellery boxes
– Gift wrapping paper
Besides manufacturing, they also offer various services:
-Binding: Wiro Binding of Books, Calendars, Diaries, Albums, Scrap Books, Art Books, etc.
-Printing: Getting high-quality printing jobs executed, which include brochures, pamphlets, coffee table books, calendars, and more
-Manufacturing of stationary for regular usage and customized stationary according to the client or the individual
-Trading various papers & imported boards
-Dealing with post-press/bookbinding machinery
Markets and customers
The customers so far have been end users of stationary, publishers, event management companies, gift retailers, calendar manufacturers, manufacturers & exporters of stationary, and end users requiring packaging / custom-made cardboard boxes for high-end products.
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